Theresa Dunn, M.A. Psych, studied, worked and trained using the lens of collaborative leadership, social/action research and transformative conflict resolution for more than 30 years. Her practice in conflict analysis, organizational development, and mental health issues has given her many opportunities to explore and facilitate solutions to individual, workplace, community challenges and international issues.
Generally, her peacebuilding work has centred on situations that involve traumatized individuals such as survivors of cultural genocide, sexual abuse and other forms of violence. She continues to work for conditions to prevent offenses based on desperate perceptions, often the source of violent acts. Moreover, Theresa works to have restorative justice models of assessment and recommendations to address violations and repair harm done to the immediate parties and others affected.
Over the years she has provided extensive trainings and interventions including training for the Department of National Defence on Standards for Harassment and Racism Prevention as an Associate of Concorde Inc. She was a lead resource in developing policy and protocols for government departments such as Department of Justice and Canada Revenue Agency, provided conflict assessments, analysis, group processes and mediations for organizations such as, but not limited to, the National Research Council, Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution, Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and Canadian International Institute for Applied Negotiation. Her international work included capacity building with members from the Ukraine, Sudan, Lithuania and Rwanda.
The current focus of her practice has been to build processes for raising awareness and resilience in the many people who have been denied or have damaged their sense of emotions. Theresa has contributed to a growing body of resources and techniques to reconnect people to their emotional context such as creating the video Emotions in Action with accompanying resources. Many people are becoming aware of their personal power to change their situations constructively regardless of the level of pain they may have experienced.
She is committed to building a culture of peace, nationally (e.g., indigenous reconciliation) and internationally (with global diaspora), through a citizens movement known as the Canadian Peace Initiative where she is currently Co-Chair of the National Board.