Paul began his professional career as an aerospace engineering officer in the Canadian Air Force. Following the “Somalia Affair” in the 1990s, Paul became the first Director of Defence Ethics in the Department of National Defence. Retiring as a Colonel in 2001 after a 33-year career, Paul embarked on a second career as a consultant and owner of the “Paul Maillet Center for Ethics”, working in the field of strengthening governance, controlling corruption, building integrity and ethics, and designing internal disclosure mechanisms in Canadian federal public sector departments, First Nations and international projects. He was formerly on the Board of Directors of the Ethics Practitioners Association of Canada (EPAC) and formerly on the Ethics Committee for Canada Council for International Cooperation (CCIC). He is also the co-chair of the ethics committee of a federal political party in Canada.
Paul’s involvement in ethics and governance, along with his military experience, led to his involvement in peace building and community development. This has led to projects in the Mideast and involvement with related immigrant groups in Canada. It has involved travelling to the Mideast and proposing the codification of “peace operations” and nonviolent approaches to conflict as a precursor to evoking “the laws of armed conflict”. He has produced a booklet, “From Activism to Governance”, to assist a Mideast group make the transition from the activities of being a revolutionary group to building participatory democracy.
Paul is also active in politics, focusing on international and defence affairs and in support of peace-oriented groups in Ottawa. He believes there is an emerging need for peace professionals and that it will take a constant and pervasive presence of such people in conflict zones, in troubled ethnic groups or with First Nations in Canada, and in communities where suffering is endemic to make a difference.
Paul Maillet Center for Ethics
1957 Kimball Court, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1C 7C1
Tel: 1-613-841-9216 Cell: 1-613-866-2503
Email: pmaillet @ magma.ca
Website: paulmailletethics.wordpress.com