Gordon Breedyk

President, CPSC
Telephone: 1+613-721-9829
Gord’s career includes a diverse background in the public, private and non-governmental (NGO) sectors both in Canada and internationally. He has managed consulting companies as a partner and has owned and managed a travel agency. Gord is currently retired, President of his condominium corporation and provides volunteer services to a number of organizations. He is also a member of a band called the Grateful We’re Not Dead, which plays for charities and fundraisers.
Richard Harmston

Treasurer, CPSC
Telephone: 1+613-828-0372
Richard has worked in international development for more than 40 years, nearly all of it in civil society organizations. He directed the International Student Movement for the United Nations (Geneva), the Canadian Council for International Cooperation, and South Asia Partnership Canada (the latter two in Ottawa). He has served on numerous boards of directors of other international and Canadian organizations, including as a founding director of the North South Institute, the Group of 78, and UNIFEM Canada. The scope of this service has included emphasis on community development, international relations, peace and security, gender equality, South Asian issues, and strengthening of civil society.
Dr. (Rechtsreferendar) Erich P. Schellhammer

Secretary, CPSC
Telephone: 1-250-477-5806
Dr. Schellhammer retired a few years ago from full-time paid work. His last posting was as an Associate Professor in the School of Humanitarian Studies at Royal Roads University, Victoria, B. C. also having taught at other Canadian and German universities. His academic background is in law and philosophy. Since being retired, he is doing volunteer work, mainly supporting organizations promoting peace and sustainable development goals. He also is involved in the development of peace leadership principles and publications. Erich has been with CPSC since 2003and serves as an Assessor where he applies his skills as a professional coach.
Theresa Dunn

Theresa Dunn, M.A. Psych, studied, worked and trained using the lens of collaborative leadership, social/action research and transformative conflict resolution for more than 30 years. Her practice in conflict analysis, organizational development, and mental health issues has given her many opportunities to explore and facilitate solutions to individual, workplace, community challenges and international issues.
Sekou Kromah

Sekou Kromah is a refugee from Liberia who grew up in a refugee camp in Guinea and eventually came to Canada in 2004 with his mother and 5 siblings. Sekou’s first peace building role was with Right To Play (RTP) International, while a refugee. RTP is an organization that promotes peace and unity among children through sports, games and play. Sekou remains committed to fighting poverty, inter-identity and community conflict and is dedicated to supporting social growth through community peace building and fostering unity.
Evelyn Voigt

Evelyn Voigt was born a prisoner of war in Africa. This has shaped both her career in international development and elevated her respect for those active in the peace field. Evelyn serves on the board of the Peace and Conflict Studies Association of Canada (www.pacscan.ca), and is the recipient of a Queen’s Golden Jubilee medal for her contribution to international development (2002). A poet, spoken word artist (two CD’s) she has, amongst others, co-compiled 150 Canadian Stories of Peace, an anthology; and authored Flying Snakes and Green Turtles, informally accompanying Tanzania through recent history.
Dr. Prince Ose

Dr. Prince Oseremen Felix Irene is a Lecturer and Researcher, practical Peacebuilding Practitioner and Public Administrationist. Ose holds a PhD degree in Peace Studies from the Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa; a Masters degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Masters degree in Public Administration from the National Open University of Nigeria and a Bachelors degree in Geography from the University of Ibadan.
He teaches Peace and Conflict Studies at the Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria. He is a member of the Political Science Research Committee of the Centre for Global Nonkilling Honolulu Hawaii, the President of the Global Alliance for Ministries & Infrastructures for Peace, and Chairman, Board of Directors, Centre for Peace & Rehabilitation of Displaced Persons. Ose is committed to building and promoting peace infrastructures, core values and competencies in Peace professionalism.