Peace Professional

A Peace Professional is a peace worker, an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) specialist, a conflict resolution worker or any other individual who has demonstrated effective application of core values and key competencies towards a culture of peace in their work.

A Peace Professional:

  • Can be drawn from any field, but has additionally met the standards of professionalism set by the Civilian Peace Service Canada (CPSC) and has been accredited by the CPSC Assessment Board based on a rigorous assessment of Core Values and Key Competencies;
  • Has the requisite values and attitudes, required knowledge and training, a significant and varied body of experience, and has been accredited to practice peace work and conflict resolution/transformation in a wide variety of situations and contexts;
  • With specialization might be called upon to lead a team of other practitioners, to communicate/negotiate with more senior levels in organizations or to train others in peace practices;
  • Is an excellent communicator verbally, in writing, and with the media.

What does a Peace Professional do?

A Peace Professional performs many of the same functions and activities as other peace workers:

  • Advises communities and governments (and other organizations) on preventing, reducing, or addressing community violence;
  • Oversees or participates in election-monitoring and/or setting up an elections process;
  • Helps offenders and victims heal through restorative justice;
  • Prevents violent conflict or wars in communities and countries;
  • Mediates among fighting or warring parties;
  • Advises governments, even to the highest levels, in policy formulation and critical decision-making (eg. whether to engage in combat or to seek alternatives);
  • Manages particularly difficult projects or situations to guide communities or organizations towards the peaceful resolution of differences (and preventing violence from erupting);
  • Helps families, organizations and communities heal at home and abroad;
  • Observes peace processes and/or violence (including accompaniment);
  • Guides societies towards non-violent ways of structuring and governing themselves (perhaps through Education for Peace Processes);
  • Guides families, communities, societies towards a culture of peace.

And much more!