How Does Everyone Benefit From Peace as a Profession?
Peace workers: Negotiators, mediators, volunteers, development workers, engineers, health workers, and others in areas of conflict, whether, local, national or international
Those who have worked effectively in reducing violent conflict without formal recognition can now be professionally accredited for their achievements relating to peace work. All peace workers gain greater respect as people with a new kind of courage, the courage to wage peace.
Students, youth
Accreditation provides a bridge between learning and proof of readiness to apply peace practices; faciliates a career path to peace as a profession.
Employers: who often need to place people at very short notice
Accreditation offers a benchmark for personal suitability (Core Values) and competence (Key Competencies). Such pre-screening is routinely applied in other professions for effective, even urgent, placement.
People caught in violent conflict
Those already suffering in areas of conflict receive some reassurance of qualified interveners when seeking help.
Placement agencies and decision-makers
An opportunity to source peace professionals who have pre-qualified to professional standards; hence quality control.
Learning institutions
An opportunity to introduce CPSC’s methodology and professional standards into their curriculae and career counselling
An opportunity to be professionally recognized for their particular contributions to the peace field.
Peace Profession
Standards, quality control, professional recognition, effective peacebuilding in the broadest sense of the word – at home, in the community, nationally and internationally